Managing videos
Basic video setting
Edit your video's basic information and metadata to optimize its search visibility. Scroll down to learn about best practices.
- Go to a video page and click the small pencil icon below the video to access to the Video Information and Settings page.
- In this first section, you can edit Video Title, Category, Language, Age Restrictions, Tags, and Description.
- Video Title: This is the title of your video that all users will see. Simple titles with keywords are usually best.
- Category: Choose the category that best suits your video's content.
- Language: Choose the language of your video.
- Content Restrictions (Age Gate): Check this box if your video's content is only suitable for adults per our policies. Learn more.
- Tags: Add up to 10 tags that fit your video's content. Make sure to use relevant keywords and topics.
- Description: Write a short description of your video. Concise descriptions with relevant keywords and useful links work best.
- On the left, by the preview player, you can edit your video's Thumbnail, Subtitles, and Annotations (partners only).
- Scroll down to edit the video's advanced settings as desired. These include:
- Privacy, Visibility, and Comment Moderation
- Add to Playlist and Featured Video
- Record Date
- Up Next
- Pay-Per-View
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
Note: You can also delete a video from this page by clicking Delete in the lower-right corner.
Best Practices:
By optimizing your metadata, you can make your videos more attractive and search-friendly.
Choose a clear, impactful, concise title that accurately reflects the content of your video. The title is the the first thing users will see.
A good title should :
- Clearly state the main topic of the video
- Feature powerful keywords first
- Be short and catchy
The description provides additional information about your video.
A good description should:
- Repeat the main keywords of the title
- Describe the video in just a few sentences
- Contain links to social media and/or other videos
Tags are keywords that describe your video.
Relevant tags should:
- Repeat the main keywords of the title/description
- Add the name of the channel/program
- Add few additional keywords
Note: You cannot exceed 10 tags per video.
Feature a video
Feature a video to showcase it when users visit your channel page. You must be signed in to feature a video.
Follow the steps below to feature a video.
- Hover over the Dailymotion logo in the top-right of the home page to show your channel menu.
- Click Your Channel from the channel menu to go to your channel page.
- Scroll down and click the Change Featured Video button on the right side of the page.
- Choose the video you would like to feature from the list that appears.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
You can also automatically feature live streams by editing your channel settings.
Age gate
Some content may not be appropriate for all viewers. Channels can use age gates to prevent logged out users and minors from accessing inappropriate content.
When evaluating whether content is appropriate for all ages, here are some of the things we consider:
- Violence
- Nudity and sexually suggestive content
- Harmful or dangerous activities
If you are looking to monetize your video, please review our policies as age-restricted videos are not eligible for monetization and are not shown in certain sections of Dailymotion.
You can learn how to add an age gate to a video in our basic video settings article.
Privacy, visibility, and comment moderation
Limit who can view and comment on your video.
- Go to a video page and click the small pencil icon below the video to access the Video Information and Settings page.
- Scroll down to the Privacy section, and click the arrow.
- Choose your video's visibility. You have three options:
- Public: Public videos are viewable by everyone and appear in search results and elsewhere on Dailymotion.
- Private: Private videos are viewable only by you and never appear in search results nor elsewhere on Dailymotion.
- Password protected: Password protected videos are viewable only by users with a password you create and never appear in search results nor elsewhere on Dailymotion. When embedded, a password is still required for viewing.
Note: You can also choose publication dates that specify when your video is viewable. - If you choose Password protected, enter a password for access to the video, and click Ok.
Note: The password will always be viewable in the Video Information and Settings page. To change the password, simply click Change password. To learn about sharing password protected videos, read our video sharing article. - Choose if you would like to disable comments, uncheck the Allow comments on this video checkbox.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
Use thumbnail images to display a frame from your video to attract viewers.
- Go to a video page and click the small pencil icon (pencil icon image) below the video to access to the Video Information and Settings page.
- On the left, pause the preview player at the desired frame for your thumbnail.
- Click the Extract preview button above the player to save the thumbnail.
Note: Partners can upload their own thumbnail by clicking the Upload preview button above the player, choosing an image file from their computers, and clicking the Save button. - Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Thumbnail images must adhere to our content policies.
A playlist is a list of videos that you can watch at a later time and that you can share. You need an account to use playlists.
To create a playlist, follow the steps below.
- Go to a video's page.
- Click the Add to tab below player.
- Click on Create a new playlist.
- Enter a name for your playlist.
- Click Save.
To add a video to a playlist, follow the steps below.
- Go to a video's page.
- Click the Add to tab below the player.
Use the checkboxes to select the playlist(s) you'd like to add the video to. - The video will be automatically added to playlists as you select them.
To adjust playlist settings, follow the steps below.
- Use the top right menu to go to Your Channel.
- Click the Playlists tab.
- Choose the playlist you would like to edit.
- Click Edit.
- Edit the playlist's name, description, or play order. You can also delete a playlist.
- Click Save.
Disabling advertisements on a video will prevent ads from being served before, during, or after the video. You can disable advertisements on a per video basis from a video's settings or while uploading a video.
Follow the steps below to disable ads on a video.
On an Existing Video
Follow the steps below to disable advertisements on a video you have already uploaded.
- Go to the video page and click the small pencil icon below the video to access the Video Information and Settings page.
- Scroll down to the Monetization section, and click the arrow.
Note: If you do not have monetization enabled for your account, you will need to agree to the Dailymotion Partner terms and Conditions. - Uncheck the box labeled Serve ads on this video.
Note: When you disable ads on a video, you will no longer earn revenue from that video. - Click the Save button to save your changes.
While Uploading
To disable ads on a video while uploading it, follow the steps below.
- Click the Upload button in the navigation header.
- Click the Select Video Files button, choose your desired file(s), and click open. Your video(s) will automatically start uploading.
- Fill out your video's basic information.
- Click on the Monetization tab.
Note: If you do not have monetization enabled for your account, you will need to agree to the Dailymotion Partner terms and Conditions. - In the Video Monetization section, uncheck the box labeled “Serve ads on this video”.
Note that when you disable ads on your video, you will not earn revenue from that video. - Fill out the rest of your video's basic information. Title, Category, and Language are required.
- Click Publish to upload your video and save your changes.
To delete one of your videos, follow the steps below.
- Go to your video's page.
- Cick the small pencil icon below the video to access to the Video Information and Settings page.
- Click Delete.
Note: Deleting a video will also delete all associated reposts.
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