In August 2015, we made some major changes to the way monetization works at Dailymotion.
Before, three individual platforms handled everything:
  • Dailymotion Official let you earn revenue from ads served on videos
  • Dailymotion OpenVOD let you earn revenue from rentals and paid subscriptions
  • Dailymotion Publisher let you earn revenue from embedding any Dailymotion video
These three programs have now been merged with Dailymotion settings and renamed as features.
  • Dailymotion Official has become Video Monetization
  • Dailymotion OpenVOD has become Paid Content
  • Dailymotion Publisher has become Website Monetization
All of the revenue is categorized the same except for one item.
  • Prior to the update, money earned from embedding your own uploads on your websites was categorized as Publisher (now Website Monetization) revenue.
  • After the update, this revenue is now categorized as Video Monetization (formerly Official) revenue.
You can learn more about the new settings and features here.