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Block contacts

When you block a YouTube contact, they will not be able to share videos or chat with you on YouTube. This will also block the contact from seeing or commenting on content you've posted, and block the contact in some other Google products and services.  

Block contacts

  1. Sign in to YouTube with your Google account.
  2. Go to the Shared tab .
  3. Tap View Contacts.
  4. Tap a Contact and a small window will show at the bottom of your screen.
  5. Select Block.

Unblock contacts

  1. Sign in to YouTube with your Google account
  2. Go to Menu.
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Select Privacy.
  5. Select Blocked contacts.
You have blocked contacts

If you have blocked contacts, you'll see a list of your blocked contacts with their profile name and picture. To unblock a contact, follow the instructions below. 
  1. Tap a contact and a small window will show at the bottom of your screen
  2. Select Unblock
  3. A menu titled "Unblock this person?" will show at the bottom of your screen
  4. Select Unblock on the menu
A message that says "unblocking" will show on your screen. When YouTube is done unblocking the contact, a message that says "<Contact name> has been unblocked" will show on your screen.
You have no blocked contacts
 If you haven't blocked any contacts, you'll see the message "You have no blocked contacts."

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