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How to Fix Instagram widget (Instafeed) issue on Soratemplates templates

If you are using our Blogger Template and it has Instagram widget (Instafeed Version) Installed then you are at the right place. Today's tutorial is about How to Fix Instagram widget issue on Soratemplates templates, basically sometimes things doesn't work perfectly as you thought and in a result it all looks bad. So what if your template has Instagram widget installed but its not working, Don't worry we have a solution and will will teach you how to install that widget properly. The main reason behind the problem is access token sometimes user don't generate their own and in case of overload on the servers our code stops working. So, Lets move further and see How to Fix Instagram widget issue on Soratemplates templates.

Adding the widget

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Instagram Widget.

Paste this Below code into it.

 <div id='instafeed'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
var feed = new Instafeed({
 get: 'user',
 userId: 3541708255,
accessToken: '3541708255.1677ed0.5e79fa74dcac4a52bea0ebba51eacb88',
template: '<li><a href="{{link}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{image}}" /><div class="insta-likes"><div style="display: table; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; width: 100%;"><span style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; width: 100%;">{{likes}} <i class="fa fa-heart"></i><br/>{{comments}} <i class="fa fa-comment"></i></span></div></div></a></li>',
 resolution: 'standard_resolution'
In above code you you will see a

accessToken: ‘3541708255.1677ed0.5e79fa74dcac4a52bea0ebba51eacb88′,

This – 3541708255.1677ed0.5e79fa74dcac4a52bea0ebba51eacb88 is a access token ID.

Now you need to create you new one and replace with this.

1. you need access token for instagram widget to work

Go to this url-> http://instagram.pixelunion.net/

Login Via your instagram Account and Generate access token in a single click.

2.  Once you get  access token just replace with this access token with in a your code.
In above code you you will see a

 1.you need User Id for instagram widget to work
After Generating the  access token Copy the first part of that token and paste it to the User Id option of that widget.

2.  Once you you are done save the widget by clicking save button.


Congrats !! You have made it. now you have learned that How to Fix Instagram widget issue on Soratemplates templates. Visit your blog and check the widget live in action, hope you liked this tutorial, if you enjoyed then please share it with your friends, we are working hard to develop more such awesome widgets please stay tuned with Us.

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